Custom Engineered
Custom Engineered
ATS specializes in Power Conversion products.
Power Conversion
Custom Engineering Capabilities & Services
- DC Chopper Drives up to 3.2 MW
- AC Inverters up to 1.2 MW
- SCR DC Drives up to 10 MW
- Permanent Magnet Drives up to 500 kW (Traction)
- Marine & Locomotive Traction Locker Systems
- Battery Chargers, Boost/Down Choppers and Accessories
- Microprocessor, DSP and Analog based Systems
- Solid Modeling of Mechanical Systems
- Rapid Prototyping Capabilities
- Feasibility Calculations & Consulting Services
Reverse Engineering
ATS specializes in modernizing legacy and vintage power electronics with cutting edge technology. By retaining all mechanical specifications and connector type and locations, ATS can provide a new and improved drop in replacement for your existing power conversion equipment.
Panel Shop
ATS offers custom panel and design services.
- Electrical schematic (ladder and one‐line) drafting services
- Solid modeling of all mechanical components and assemblies
- Complete Bill of Materials, wiring diagrams and build instructions